In order to meet the needs of a great variety of students (both international students and returnees), each class sets a different goal for targeted Japanese skill.
Please understand both course contents and features of each class before taking the class.
To take Japanese classes, you must receive Japanese lecturer’s permission in advance.

  1. Visit the SFC Japanese language section website, take the “Japanese Level Check Test,” and attend the “Japanese Language Guidance” at the beginning of each semester.
  2. Make an entry for the course that was instructed based on the Japanese Level Check Test results. Only students who are given permission by the faculty member in charge may register for the course.

*If the deadline for the test-taking period has already passed, please email Japanese language section immediately.

The registration must be done during the registration period as scheduled.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

■Japanese language section jpnteachers[at]
※Please change [at] to @ before sending an email to us.



1) まず、日本語にほんご研究室けんきゅうしつウェブサイト案内あんないがある「日本語レベル確認かくにんテスト」をけて、学期がっきはじめにある「日本語ガイダンス」にかなら出席しゅっせきしてください。「日本語レベル確認かくにんテスト」の結果けっか履修りしゅうできる科目かもくまります。

2)  「日本語レベル確認かくにんテスト」の結果けっか履修りしゅうできると案内あんないがあった科目かもく履修りしゅうエントリーしてください。科目担当教員かもくたんとうきょういん履修りしゅう許可きょかされた学生がくせいのみ「履修申告りしゅうしんこく」ができます。




日本語研究室にほんごけんきゅうしつ:jpnteachers[at] ※[at]を@にえてからメールを送信そうしんしてください。